[Start of image description: A blue background with a rainbow. A image of a forest with a cozy cottage and a campfire on the left. On the right is a log with a basket of yarn and needles, a black cat holding a ball of red yarn with another basket of yarn and a frog next to it. There is toodstools scattered around the forest and there is an owl in the tree. In the middle is the Cozy Woodland Cottage Knits logo with the words “Cozy Woodland Cottage Knits” End of image description.]

Friday, September 7, 2018

Knitting needle conversion chart

Picture of knitting needle conversion chart

Stuck on knitting needle conversion sizes? I've created a knitting needle conversion chart for knitting needle sizes, now in a downloadable pdf file so you can download it and add the knitting cheat sheet to your knitting notebook or knitting basket.

Picture of free downloadable knitting needle conversion sheet

I've heard some knitters say they can tell the size of the needles by what yarn is used. I can't tell as there are usually a few different sizes. I used to have a set of mm and UK size knitting needles, then I realized there was also US sizing. Oh dear, maybe that's why a few things turned out way too big. I created the cheat sheet so I wouldn't mess up needle sizes again.

To download the knitting needle conversion cheat sheet click on the picture below and it will take you to goggle drive to the pdf file. If you have any problems with downloading the file please contact me at arjaye@cozywoodlandcottageknits.com

Knitting needle conversion cheat sheet

Hope you will find this knitting needle conversion chart as helpful as I have found it.


handmade by amalia said...

This is very useful indeed as I get my inspiration from bloggers all around the world, how kind of you to share.

Arjaye said...

It sure does come in handy. Awh thanks heaps ;-)

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