Tired of wondering what the knitting abbreviations are or sick of looking them up online? Don't worry I've made a handy knitting abbreviations sheet now in easy to read larger font and in a downloadable pdf file. I used to get stuck all of the time, I'd ring friends, family or look it up online.
The knitting abbreviations sheet includes knitting abbreviations I have come across quite often. I used to wonder why they just don't write it in English instead of knitting language. Ok that's not an actual language but it might as well be. Why don't they, well because it also takes up a lot of space to write everything out in full which would make some patterns quite lengthy eg. knitted jumpers.
[Start of image description: a white rectangle with the words “free printable cheat sheet knitting abbreviations”. Underneath is a photo with a wooden table with three knitting abbreviations sheets in the middle, at the top left is a pinecone and at the bottom left is a pair of gold scissor. The bottom right has three balls of yarn these are red, brown and turquoise. End of image description.]

The knitting abbreviations sheet is three A4 pages long and comes in four different backgrounds
- Original - as pictured however font has been changed
- Pine
- Wood
- White
Each of these can be downloaded separately just click on the one you'd like to download and print out.
[Start of image description: a photo with a wooden table with three knitting abbreviations sheets in the middle, at the top left is a pinecone and at the bottom left is a pair of gold scissor. The bottom right has three balls of yarn these are red, brown and turquoise. End of image description.]
Thank you for visiting Cozy Woodland Cottage Knits!
Have fun knitting!!! You can find more free printables here.
[Start of image description: Arjaye's signature with a blue feather floating in the air. Below is a meadow with yellow flowers with a a basket of pastel yarn and a hedgehog next to it. In the middle is two toadstools and a black cat running through the grass. End of image description.]
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