[Start of image description: A blue background with a rainbow. A image of a forest with a cozy cottage and a campfire on the left. On the right is a log with a basket of yarn and needles, a black cat holding a ball of red yarn with another basket of yarn and a frog next to it. There is toodstools scattered around the forest and there is an owl in the tree. In the middle is the Cozy Woodland Cottage Knits logo with the words “Cozy Woodland Cottage Knits” End of image description.]

Monday, April 8, 2019

Yarn care symbols

Picture of yarn care symbols

Wondering what the yarn care symbols are and what they mean? Or worse and gotten them wrong only to mess up all that hard work that went into knitting the item?  I know how heartbreaking it is to get them wrong and wreak an item - ironed something I shouldn't have.  I made a yarn care symbols sheet to help you out and decided to add a bonus my handy yarn care symbols card I keep in my knitting kit.  
Picture of free printable cheat sheet for yarn care symbols

Iv'e included the yarn care symbols I first learnt when I started knitting though thankfully one brand of my $2 shop yarn had written under it what the symbols were.  The yarn labels that didn't well I either asked my Nana or looked them up on google by describing the symbol after I learnt my lesson from trying to guess.

What care symbols are included?

The yarn care symbols sheet includes care instructions for washing, bleaching, dry cleaning, drying and ironing perfect for adding to a knitting journal or knitting notebook.  The yarn care symbol card includes the same care instructions but its handy size makes it perfect for putting in your pocket when you buy yarn or pop it in your yarn basket or add it to your knitting kit.  You can find more about knitting kit essentials here

How big are they?

The yarn care symbol sheets are A4 size and the handy yarn care symbols card are 8.5cm x 5cm.

How do I download them?

The yarn care symbol sheets - click on the photo to go to the link to download your printable pdf file.  Both photo takes you to the same pdf file to download both pages.  

The handy yarn care symbols card - click on the photo to go to the link to download your printable pdf file.  Both photos of these take you to the same pdf file to download 

Picture of yarn care symbols page 1 of 2

Picture of yarn care symbols page 2 of 2

Picture of yarn care symbols in handy card size page 1 of 2

Picture of yarn care symbols in handy card size page 2 of 2

Pro tip

Print the yarn care symbols card on card stock or print it out and glue it onto recycled cardboard.  I glued mine onto a cracker box and cut them out, I find the cardboard boxes tend to be thicker and more sturdy than cardstock.

Hope you find the yarn care symbol sheets as helpful as I have found them, these are great to pop in your knitting journal and the  yarn care symbols card will be perfect to pop in your knitting basket, knitting kit or pocket when you go shopping for yarn.

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