[Start of image description: A blue background with a rainbow. A image of a forest with a cozy cottage and a campfire on the left. On the right is a log with a basket of yarn and needles, a black cat holding a ball of red yarn with another basket of yarn and a frog next to it. There is toodstools scattered around the forest and there is an owl in the tree. In the middle is the Cozy Woodland Cottage Knits logo with the words “Cozy Woodland Cottage Knits” End of image description.]

Join our community

Picture of a basket of yarn in a tree ready for a knitting group

[Start of image description: A photo on the left of a tree with pink flowers, sitting in the tree is a basket of blue, green, yellow and tan yarn".  On the right is a sage green rectangle, a brown ball of yarn and the words "3. Join our community Cozy Woodland Cottage Knits Place". End of image description.]

We have now launched our community Cozy Woodland Cottage Knits Place!

I'm so excited to announce Cozy Woodland Cottage Knits Place is on Facebook and Instagram, we have decided to have the two places as not everyone has Facebook and not everyone uses Instagram so this way users of both can still join in on all of the fun. Cozy Woodland Cottage Knits Place is a place to connect with each other in our virtual knitting & crochet group on facebook. Read on to learn more about Cozy Woodland Cottage Knits Place.

August 2022

This community is currently under construction due to us working on things behind the scenes for the group and action the dreams Ioriginally had for the group. I'm sorry for any inconvenience caused.  

What is inside the community?

  • A virtual knitting and crochet group
  • A monthly book club (any book of your choice there is no list or anything to choose from)
  • Inspirational quotes 
  • Tips
  • Pattern help 
  • Knitting advice and help 
  • Exclusive behind the scenes 
  • Find out when patterns will be released
  • Freebies for members

Picture of basket of yarn amongst the grass

[Start of image description: Long grass with light blue flowers with a basket of yarn sitting amongst them.  Inside the basket is balls of sage green, red, brown, tan, blue and turquoise yarn. End of image description.]

Come and share 

  • Knitting tips
  • Projects your working on, projects you've completed
  • Your knitting spot
  • Your furry little friends
  • Cups of whatever you drink
  • Baking
  • Inspirational quotes 
  • Have a virtual cuppa and chat with your knitting/crochet friends.
If using instagram #cozywoodlandcottageknitsplace so we can all see what you want to share 

Picture of knitting with tea

[Start of image description: A wooden table with a cup of peppermint tea on the left on the right is a ball of varigated yarn in pink, purple and blue with the knitting needles in front with a sock cast on.  In the background is the shadow of Arjaye's plants. End of image description.]

Knitting and pattern questions

Feel free to ask any questions about stitches, techniques or patterns etc that you are stuck on.  Please note though I do not crochet but someone else in our community may be able to help you.  Feel free to ask questions about any free or paid Cozy Woodland Cottage Knits patterns your stuck on (I will now be offering full support for these here) if you have any questions about buying a pattern please email me at cozywoodlandcottageknits@gmail.com 🧢☕

Book club

Meets monthly on the last Friday of the month you can check the date here 

Read any book of your choice, there is no list to choose from or anything like that.  If you haven't finished your book within the month, there are times I won't either. πŸ˜„πŸ“š Then discuss any of the following:
  • The genre of the book
  • What your book was about
  • If you'd recommend it or not
  • What you loved or didn't about the book along 
  • Anything else you'd like to talk about too. 

If you love to read. want book recommendations etc and love you can also find these on Instagram and facebook page.

Picture of Arjaye knitting a blanket

[Start of image description: A photo of a chair with a cream throw on top and a blue and white throw over the back with Arjaye sitting on it.  Arjaye is smiling and her blue and grey wig is pulled to the side in a ponytail.  She is wearing a green faerie dress and knitting a stripy cotton blanket. End of image description.]

If our online knitting group was a physical space/place 

Needles click, yarn waits to be formed into stitches, woven into a pattern and ultimately made into a complete project. Cups of tea and coffee, homemade biscuits, scones, pikelets and cakes sit on the coffee table in the middle of the room.  Conversations about stitches, what people have been up to and how they have been, projects, patterns and interest in what others are creating. The comfy lounge or garden chairs depending on the season with piles of notes and patterns, baskets/bags of yarn accompanies by tape measures, stitch markers etc and more often than not projects drapped over chairs.  Knitters sparkle enjoying the new stitches, finished projects, mastering a new stitch, finding the perfect colour combination. Magick is spread all around everyone as the wild trooping forest faeries drift in and out of the room/secret garden spreading their joy, delight and happiness. While sharing their thoughts, stories and marveling in everyone's creations. 

If this sounds like the magickal community you'd love to come and join our community!

I look forward to seeing you there πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰

Picture of freshly picked flowers

[Start of image description: a background of grass on the lawn, in Arjaye's hand she is holding a bunch of light blue flowers she picked from her secret garden. End of image description.]

We look forward to seeing you in our community Cozy Woodland Cottage Knits Place! 

[Start of image description: Arjaye's signature with a blue feather floating in the air. Below is a meadow with yellow flowers with a a basket of pastel yarn and a hedgehog next to it. In the middle is two toadstools and a black cat running through the grass. End of image description.]

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