[Start of image description: A blue background with a rainbow. A image of a forest with a cozy cottage and a campfire on the left. On the right is a log with a basket of yarn and needles, a black cat holding a ball of red yarn with another basket of yarn and a frog next to it. There is toodstools scattered around the forest and there is an owl in the tree. In the middle is the Cozy Woodland Cottage Knits logo with the words “Cozy Woodland Cottage Knits” End of image description.]

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Guide on how to do provisional cast on step by step

Picture of how to do a provisional cast on

Have you wondered how to do a provisional cast on?  Can't pick up the stitches neatly? or Can't use a crochet hook to save yourself? Don't worry I can't use a crochet hook either, this way uses your hand and knitting needle to do the cast on a bit like the long tail cast on. This post will show you how to do a provisional cast on in a step by step guide.

What is a provisional cast on?

A provisional cast on is another way of casting on your knitting, so that you can pick up the stitches along the cast on for a seamless look which is often used for sweater arm holes. If you don't know what kind of rib or edging you'd like on something you can come back to it.

How to do a provisional cast on

You will need

  • Ball of yarn for your project
  • Knitting needles  
  • A piece of scrap yarn (longer than the cast on will be)

Let's get started

Picture of guide on how to do a provisional cast on

1. Make a slip knot
    1a. Make a n shape with the yarn

Picture of provisional cast on step 1 of 16

1b. Bring the yarn from the left side over to create a hole.

    1c. With the same yarn make a loop

1d. Put the loop through the hole you made in step 1b


1e. Pull the loop through the hole and you've made a slip knot, place the slip knot on to the knitting  needle.

2. Hold the scrap yarn and the yarn for your project in your right hand along with the knitting needle

3. Put your thumb and index finger between the two pieces of yarn so that the scrap yarn (white) is on your thumb and the project yarn (green) is on your index finger, then hold the yarn with the rest of your fingers in your left hand like you do for a long tail cast on.

4. Bring the knitting needle under the scrap yarn

5. Bring the knitting needle over the project yarn

6. Move the scrap yarn to the back so it will be along the bottom instead of on the stitch you should now have your first stitch.

7. To make the next stitch go over the project yarn

8. Wrap the project yarn around the needle to make a stitch

9. Repeat step 5 until you have enough stitches.  When you have cast on all of the stitches twist the ends of the yarn so the stitches do not unravel.

10. Hold the twisted yarn ends in your left hand until you've knitted the first few stitches

11. Knit the first row in what stitch your pattern says otherwise it will leave you a row short at the end of pattern.

12. Tie the ends using a slip knot.

13. Knit as many rows as your pattern says.

14. To pick up the stitches put the needle through the stitches at the bottom before you untie the string. If your using straight needles pick the stitches up from the left first instead of the right (like I did as I was using double pointed needles) for double pointed needles it doesn't matter as you have the two ends with the points. This way is a bit neater and I find it a bit quicker too as your not doing each stitch individually or going to accidentally drop them.

15. Untie the string at the end where the end of the needle is (the bit without the point), then hold the needle up by the tip to stop stitches from falling off as you pull the scrap yarn out.

16. Yay you did it! You can now knit the stitches you just picked up.

Hope you have found this guide on how to do provisional cast on helpful. If you get stuck or have any questions feel free to email me at arjaye@cozywoodlandcottageknits.com

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