[Start of image description: A blue background with a rainbow. A image of a forest with a cozy cottage and a campfire on the left. On the right is a log with a basket of yarn and needles, a black cat holding a ball of red yarn with another basket of yarn and a frog next to it. There is toodstools scattered around the forest and there is an owl in the tree. In the middle is the Cozy Woodland Cottage Knits logo with the words “Cozy Woodland Cottage Knits” End of image description.]

Wednesday, March 15, 2023

30 Knitting tips for beginners

Picture of a knitting tips sheet next to a ball of yarn and needles along with a pinecone.

Started knitting and wondering what you doing?  I've been there and understand I lost count of how many times I miss counted stitches, un picked knitting and threw knitting in the bin. To help you I made this handy sheet of 30 knitting tips, its also in a free printable downloadable pdf file.

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